Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How to find your purpose in life

Hello all,
In this post, I am writing about how to find your purpose in life. We all are trying to find meaning and are seeking to fill a certain void. What have you tried in your life to fill this? Career advancement? Monetary gains? Status quo? All of these will give you comfort and support fun and sense of accomplishment, but it wont give you fulfillment and happiness.
Have you ever found yourself helping someone? Whether grand or small. Have you personally donated money to a needy person? Have you ever spent extra time with someone that needed help? Normally in these instances, you felt a reward that money can't bring. I am too,  in the pursuit of how to find your purpose in life, I learned that in the past, I was happiest in sharing my talents. The first time I ever did this was in the 3rd grade. I helping 1st graders in math. Not knowing the benefit then, the younger student looked up to me as if I was a great mathematician and I saved the day. I was just two or so years older! But it felt great!
Throughout my childhood to college, I found myself helping others. I would let friends borrow the last of my money.. I knew that my mom had my back. But what about them? I met a friend and his brother that was paying all the bills in the house and he was 16. I couldn't imagine. So I always told myself, you don't know who is honestly in need, but you can honestly give from your heart.
As I got older, I started to focus on things other than giving. This lead me to be a bit more selfish. I had to be a tad more selfish with focus in college and career, but I seemed to have lost my way. But after reading and studying, it was in me all along! Now, I have a better handle and focus on my fulfillment in how to find purpose in life. I plan to use my gifts and share it.
I just moved to Texas and I am researching avenues to give. I have this big pull in my heart for giving meaning to people that are having a hard time trying to find it. As a kid I always wondered what the meaning of life is. Until this year, I am 30, a person now dear to me,  sat me down and told me to read this book. Man's search for meaning. I consumed it within two weeks. And it gave me certain answers that I was looking for since I was 7 years old! I plan to somehow get these books to prisoners. The book was written by a man that was in a concentration camp during the Holocaust. He mentally kept it together and used his knowledge to help others that felt trapped in this predicament. He found out how to find purpose in life.
Im not saying I have all the answers. I do know that I have to steps to find out the answers in this book. Most of which was instilled in me as a kid. Funny how you can see things a different way when you are older. I am starting now to find a way to get books to prisoners and hopefully others in the world. I know that prison cells are immensely full, and regardless of their background, I feel that they must find meaning in life just as much as we do. Atleast we have the resources to people and literature to scour and find answers. I really do hope that the see their definition on how to find purpose in life.
To whomever reads this I hope you do as well, my journey is just beginning.
Remember! Find your talents and share them! It will change your world!

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