Friday, June 27, 2014

A spiritual shift

For we are not our possessions and we are not our projections,
I have learned this time and time again, now I embody the lesson

I seek now and contemplate eternal truths
Through this contemplation it is being received through and through.

I have always genuinely known that the life I was living was faulty. But the more I practiced it, it became truth. My feathery words, my mode of dress, and my background was who I am(youtube Ego vs. Soul). Even in this world of certain falseness, the world has still proven ultimately that these things matter least. For example, does it matter what I wear when I purchase a car? Sometimes, most in most cases, money talks. Should I treat you differently? No. I have been very disturbed by the way I and people act towards race, religion, gender, and social status. I have been victim to concrete stereotypes to my detriment. And I don't like it. So since I have been meditating and feeding my soul over my mouth, I have realized a very invaluable truth. We are one.

I went to visit a friend for her birthday and she has a granddaughter. Very beautiful girl. Happy and joyful. The things that I try to embody everyday before self worth. Her granddaughter has a very adorable friend, she is around 3. The grand daughter was playing behind the curtains and I came to get her before grandma gets in discipline mode. I go to pick her up and kiss her. The girls friend says to me my kisses are more special than yours. I say really? Can't ours be just as special? She further says that this is my friend and I am the best. I am truly astonished. I don't have kids yet, but this is the idea we set in a young kids life. And at 3 years old, these kids are very smart. The same 3 year old that I just met feared that her mother will keep dropping her off over friends houses. And she assured us and herself that her mom will never leave her. I was astonished even more. This girl shows sadness and separation at such a young age. For those of us that believe in God, we are all God's children. For those that have no belief, we all came from this Earth. We are one. We are all special. We do have polarity, although. Meaning that we are one but we are parts of one. We all have a role to play. I prayed for this little girl and her mother. For we all have been fed poison in one way or another.

Regardless if you are feed poison by parents, friends, or just environment. It is up to us to realize that we need to question all things in our life. Not in the form of disagreement, but in the form of education. Does getting up and taking a bath benefit you? Maybe it does, so that you can continue feeding your self and smelling decently. Ha! But really question things. For the benefit of what does and doesn't work for you anymore. I am working on this path myself. I want to evolve. For it is the not the strongest who survived eons, its the one who adapts quickest to change.

So in your life, contemplate growth. Ask God how can I grow. Think on it. Once you do this, things will manifest. But you might come up against adversity or things that make you nervous. Don't say.. God didn't show up. Sometimes, nearly all the time, it takes for you to show up. This is what I have learned recently, the Art of Allowing. We are granted a beautiful mind. A mind for thinking and a mind for insight. In my mind I see thinking as a Thomas Edison, who invented a many things through trail and error. I see insight as a Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, who had Allowed God(divine intervention) to guide them in seeking their answers, which took half the time. I ask you, and myself, to allow things to take place. If you want to grow or do something specific in your life.. whether to know your purpose, to have a better relationship, or just to have a better relationship with yourself.. target that thought and ask for it daily. One - Three times a day. And don't obsess over it. Pray believing and receiving. If you obsesses and think negatively, you will ward of these gifts. Try it out.

I have found this movie that I really have come to care about. It is teaching me what I have normally practice but never honed. For I realized that we all have the gifts that we need to manifest anything in our lives. We just have to GO INSIDE. Know thyself. This will get you furthest in life. Divinity is within us all. Follow your compass, its our most valuable gift on Earth. Thank you! God Bless You!

Check this movie out and please tell me what you think.

It is Our spiritual growth that will benefit us most on this journey. God bless...

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