Friday, September 28, 2012

Body Types

Losing weight and Body Types

In order to lose weight, as well as maintain a healthy weight, you must know your body type. Body types may vary. You want to know what you are and what you are capable of. This knowledge will give you one of the best opportunities to get to the goal that you desire to achieve.

Click here for a questionnaire on figuring out your body type.

So I clicked the link. And I found out that I am a mesomorph.. Meaning:

Your body is closest to a Mesomorph. You have a naturally fit body but to maintain it or improve it you should exercise and diet correctly for your type. Strength training can be done more often and for longer sessions then would be good for an Ectomorph, but you must still be careful not to overdo it. You should train with moderate to heavy weighs and at a moderate pace, not resting too long between sets. You will find you gain muscle quite easy (some women and even men might not want to get too bulky, but this won't happen suddenly. When you are happy with your muscle size simply trains to maintain it). Stick to a good healthy diet to keep you lean and muscular, and watch for any slow creeping fat gains. Engage in and enjoy aerobic activities, sports, etc. but do not overdo.

Knowing this, I have learned to know what my body could and should do. I know that if I do over do it, it takes me longer to recuperate. I lose weight best with watching my intake and as well as being active. I try to do circuit training in my home. Constantly doing short blast workouts that is continuous for around 30 minutes. If I don’t watch my activity levels, it could easily get away with me. I have noticed this since college. I have a decent build once I shredded most of my unwanted fat, so I want to build lean muscle.

Body Shapes

Women in detail can have more varying shapes that just body types. Here’s a list of shapes that are known for ladies. Find yours and you’ll know your ‘modes of attack’ better.

Hourglass: well-proportioned

upper and lower bodies, with a distinctively narrow waist.

Hourglasses tend to be endomorphs or mesomorphs.

Focus: Cardio and light resistence

Pear: Pear-shaped women tend to have larger lower bodies

and smaller upper bodies. Most pears are mesomorphs.

Focus: Light Cardio(walking and light biking) and pushups

Apple: Apples are generally bigger on the top half of their bodies

than on the bottom half

The majority of apples are mesomorphs or endomorphs.

Focus: Aerobic training and squats

Ruler: Women with a ruler shape tend to be waif-like and slim.

Most rulers are ectomorphs.

Focus: Resistance workouts and stretching

Men, you have yours too.

According to
This is mainly for clothing but this may help target your ‘project’ areas.


Inverted Triangle




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