Friday, June 27, 2014

A spiritual shift

For we are not our possessions and we are not our projections,
I have learned this time and time again, now I embody the lesson

I seek now and contemplate eternal truths
Through this contemplation it is being received through and through.

I have always genuinely known that the life I was living was faulty. But the more I practiced it, it became truth. My feathery words, my mode of dress, and my background was who I am(youtube Ego vs. Soul). Even in this world of certain falseness, the world has still proven ultimately that these things matter least. For example, does it matter what I wear when I purchase a car? Sometimes, most in most cases, money talks. Should I treat you differently? No. I have been very disturbed by the way I and people act towards race, religion, gender, and social status. I have been victim to concrete stereotypes to my detriment. And I don't like it. So since I have been meditating and feeding my soul over my mouth, I have realized a very invaluable truth. We are one.

I went to visit a friend for her birthday and she has a granddaughter. Very beautiful girl. Happy and joyful. The things that I try to embody everyday before self worth. Her granddaughter has a very adorable friend, she is around 3. The grand daughter was playing behind the curtains and I came to get her before grandma gets in discipline mode. I go to pick her up and kiss her. The girls friend says to me my kisses are more special than yours. I say really? Can't ours be just as special? She further says that this is my friend and I am the best. I am truly astonished. I don't have kids yet, but this is the idea we set in a young kids life. And at 3 years old, these kids are very smart. The same 3 year old that I just met feared that her mother will keep dropping her off over friends houses. And she assured us and herself that her mom will never leave her. I was astonished even more. This girl shows sadness and separation at such a young age. For those of us that believe in God, we are all God's children. For those that have no belief, we all came from this Earth. We are one. We are all special. We do have polarity, although. Meaning that we are one but we are parts of one. We all have a role to play. I prayed for this little girl and her mother. For we all have been fed poison in one way or another.

Regardless if you are feed poison by parents, friends, or just environment. It is up to us to realize that we need to question all things in our life. Not in the form of disagreement, but in the form of education. Does getting up and taking a bath benefit you? Maybe it does, so that you can continue feeding your self and smelling decently. Ha! But really question things. For the benefit of what does and doesn't work for you anymore. I am working on this path myself. I want to evolve. For it is the not the strongest who survived eons, its the one who adapts quickest to change.

So in your life, contemplate growth. Ask God how can I grow. Think on it. Once you do this, things will manifest. But you might come up against adversity or things that make you nervous. Don't say.. God didn't show up. Sometimes, nearly all the time, it takes for you to show up. This is what I have learned recently, the Art of Allowing. We are granted a beautiful mind. A mind for thinking and a mind for insight. In my mind I see thinking as a Thomas Edison, who invented a many things through trail and error. I see insight as a Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, who had Allowed God(divine intervention) to guide them in seeking their answers, which took half the time. I ask you, and myself, to allow things to take place. If you want to grow or do something specific in your life.. whether to know your purpose, to have a better relationship, or just to have a better relationship with yourself.. target that thought and ask for it daily. One - Three times a day. And don't obsess over it. Pray believing and receiving. If you obsesses and think negatively, you will ward of these gifts. Try it out.

I have found this movie that I really have come to care about. It is teaching me what I have normally practice but never honed. For I realized that we all have the gifts that we need to manifest anything in our lives. We just have to GO INSIDE. Know thyself. This will get you furthest in life. Divinity is within us all. Follow your compass, its our most valuable gift on Earth. Thank you! God Bless You!

Check this movie out and please tell me what you think.

It is Our spiritual growth that will benefit us most on this journey. God bless...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How to find your purpose in life

Hello all,
In this post, I am writing about how to find your purpose in life. We all are trying to find meaning and are seeking to fill a certain void. What have you tried in your life to fill this? Career advancement? Monetary gains? Status quo? All of these will give you comfort and support fun and sense of accomplishment, but it wont give you fulfillment and happiness.
Have you ever found yourself helping someone? Whether grand or small. Have you personally donated money to a needy person? Have you ever spent extra time with someone that needed help? Normally in these instances, you felt a reward that money can't bring. I am too,  in the pursuit of how to find your purpose in life, I learned that in the past, I was happiest in sharing my talents. The first time I ever did this was in the 3rd grade. I helping 1st graders in math. Not knowing the benefit then, the younger student looked up to me as if I was a great mathematician and I saved the day. I was just two or so years older! But it felt great!
Throughout my childhood to college, I found myself helping others. I would let friends borrow the last of my money.. I knew that my mom had my back. But what about them? I met a friend and his brother that was paying all the bills in the house and he was 16. I couldn't imagine. So I always told myself, you don't know who is honestly in need, but you can honestly give from your heart.
As I got older, I started to focus on things other than giving. This lead me to be a bit more selfish. I had to be a tad more selfish with focus in college and career, but I seemed to have lost my way. But after reading and studying, it was in me all along! Now, I have a better handle and focus on my fulfillment in how to find purpose in life. I plan to use my gifts and share it.
I just moved to Texas and I am researching avenues to give. I have this big pull in my heart for giving meaning to people that are having a hard time trying to find it. As a kid I always wondered what the meaning of life is. Until this year, I am 30, a person now dear to me,  sat me down and told me to read this book. Man's search for meaning. I consumed it within two weeks. And it gave me certain answers that I was looking for since I was 7 years old! I plan to somehow get these books to prisoners. The book was written by a man that was in a concentration camp during the Holocaust. He mentally kept it together and used his knowledge to help others that felt trapped in this predicament. He found out how to find purpose in life.
Im not saying I have all the answers. I do know that I have to steps to find out the answers in this book. Most of which was instilled in me as a kid. Funny how you can see things a different way when you are older. I am starting now to find a way to get books to prisoners and hopefully others in the world. I know that prison cells are immensely full, and regardless of their background, I feel that they must find meaning in life just as much as we do. Atleast we have the resources to people and literature to scour and find answers. I really do hope that the see their definition on how to find purpose in life.
To whomever reads this I hope you do as well, my journey is just beginning.
Remember! Find your talents and share them! It will change your world!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Body Types

Losing weight and Body Types

In order to lose weight, as well as maintain a healthy weight, you must know your body type. Body types may vary. You want to know what you are and what you are capable of. This knowledge will give you one of the best opportunities to get to the goal that you desire to achieve.

Click here for a questionnaire on figuring out your body type.

So I clicked the link. And I found out that I am a mesomorph.. Meaning:

Your body is closest to a Mesomorph. You have a naturally fit body but to maintain it or improve it you should exercise and diet correctly for your type. Strength training can be done more often and for longer sessions then would be good for an Ectomorph, but you must still be careful not to overdo it. You should train with moderate to heavy weighs and at a moderate pace, not resting too long between sets. You will find you gain muscle quite easy (some women and even men might not want to get too bulky, but this won't happen suddenly. When you are happy with your muscle size simply trains to maintain it). Stick to a good healthy diet to keep you lean and muscular, and watch for any slow creeping fat gains. Engage in and enjoy aerobic activities, sports, etc. but do not overdo.

Knowing this, I have learned to know what my body could and should do. I know that if I do over do it, it takes me longer to recuperate. I lose weight best with watching my intake and as well as being active. I try to do circuit training in my home. Constantly doing short blast workouts that is continuous for around 30 minutes. If I don’t watch my activity levels, it could easily get away with me. I have noticed this since college. I have a decent build once I shredded most of my unwanted fat, so I want to build lean muscle.

Body Shapes

Women in detail can have more varying shapes that just body types. Here’s a list of shapes that are known for ladies. Find yours and you’ll know your ‘modes of attack’ better.

Hourglass: well-proportioned

upper and lower bodies, with a distinctively narrow waist.

Hourglasses tend to be endomorphs or mesomorphs.

Focus: Cardio and light resistence

Pear: Pear-shaped women tend to have larger lower bodies

and smaller upper bodies. Most pears are mesomorphs.

Focus: Light Cardio(walking and light biking) and pushups

Apple: Apples are generally bigger on the top half of their bodies

than on the bottom half

The majority of apples are mesomorphs or endomorphs.

Focus: Aerobic training and squats

Ruler: Women with a ruler shape tend to be waif-like and slim.

Most rulers are ectomorphs.

Focus: Resistance workouts and stretching

Men, you have yours too.

According to
This is mainly for clothing but this may help target your ‘project’ areas.


Inverted Triangle




Friday, September 14, 2012

Weight Loss

How to diet?
How to Lose Weight?
By Mark Wilkins

We all want to lose weight. Weight loss is very attainable for everyone. Everyone is different. So there's no on idea that fits all except your intake needs to be smarter than your outtake. There are so many searches and guides on how to lose weight. I will attempt to show you what I have learned through trial and error and taught others on the best tried and true ways to lose weight. Before Anyone can help you lose weight, You must realize that it's a commitment and not a hobby. Luckily, we do have factors on our side; Habit. The habits you create to burn Fat, Lose weight, and to Create a Healthy Diet can last you a life time. It starts with you.

Note! Everyone has different levels of metabolism. Some are skinny. Some people are thick. Knowing  yourself is a very important key to health. We all have our problem areas. And the better we learn ourselves, the quicker we can create a plan to accommodate our individuals selves. Be realistic! For me I know that i needed to focus on my waist line more than anything. And I have a full time job and school. So I did enough so that I can have enough energy for the rest of the day. Coming up with a diet plan tailored to you is the greatest start for a successful finish.

What we do we eat Daily? Do we eat to be healthy? Of course not. We eat for taste. Some of this can be tweaked to your favor. Eating healthy doesn't have to be tasteless! Let's lose weight in a fun way.

How can I lose weight? Diet is the best and quickest way. We burn calories daily just by doing normal daily activity. So with that being said, your intake is way more important.  If you intake 300 to 500 hundred less calories daily, that compounds to 2100 to 3500 calories burned per week!

Eating foods that promote a feeling of fullness will help you to consume fewer calories throughout the day and therefore, lose weight, according to the official Volumetrics website.

  • It satisfies hunger.
  • It reduces calories.
  • It meets a person's nutritional needs.

  • By increasing the volume of the food you intake, and not the quantity, you feel full longer; causing weight loss. Most of these foods are high in water and have you feeling fuller longer. Veggies have this effect. So the next time you actually go out to eat, and some more veggies to your plate. And it's OK to not eat everything on the plate. Mom always told you that a clean plate is a happy plate. Well now, a full tummy is a happily Healthy tummy!

    Here is a list of Volumetric foods:
    - Fruits and Vegetables- water content and fiber rich
    - Lean Meat - Protein content. Try Fish and Chicken more
    - Whole Grains
    - 'Good Fats'- nuts, coconut oils, foods that help LDL Cholesterol
    - Low Fat Diary

    These foods provide an higher quality and nutrients in to your diet. I try to eat 2:1 vegetables and fruits to meats and starches at least 5 times a week. This in effect will boost your energy, lower your chances of sickness, and promote a better pH balance in your body. You should aspire to make your body less acidic(fatty foods and sweets), and make it or alkaline(vegetables and fruits).

     For those who have a chronic problems, like me(slip disc) this will lower your changes for flames ups for rheumatoid arthritis; inflammation with back pain; expel cancerous cells; and reduce fat for better cholesterol. I watched a documentary on changing diets for curing ailments. This guy had an outrageous auto immune disorder, whenever he shook someones hand, his antihistamines went crazy, causing rashes and such. He was on 10 medications. After 6 months of fasting(he was highly over weight),eating only nuts and juicing 3 times a day with these superfoods, he was pill free according to the doctors recommendations.Simply Amazing.

    Here is a list of superfoods:

    1. Eggs

    2. Tomato sauce
    3. Dried plums(prunes)
    4. Walnuts
    5. Brussels sprouts
    6. Acai juice
    7. Apples
    8. Bok choy
    9. Steel-cut oats
    10. Salmon
    11. Avocados
    12. Spinach
    13. Canned pumpkin
    14. Cauliflower  
    15. Scallops
    This is just apart of the list of Superfoods. Familarize your self with the full library of superfoods for better results in your weight loss endeavor.

    Caloric Intake vs. Burning
    People may believe, Yeah I can eat whatever now and burn it off later. While that may be true, it's very seldom that it happens. Do the math. How to lose weight quiz! How many calories are in a breakfast muffin? 450 calories! How long does it take to burn that off?


    I started juicing at the beginning of the year. I must say that it has changed my daily life. I lost 12 quick pounds in a course a month and a half. I am down to healthy weight for me. Earlier this year I was told to start watching out for my blood pressure by my doctor. While it wasn't a problem yet, I know that it is hereditary. I drop it significantly. I drink at least once a day on average.

    The benefits from juicing can vary according to what you put in your juice. The main factor to remember is that you can add more fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. If you can eat 3 to 4 a day, you can juice twice that amount, or more! Liquids are absorbed better normally than solids.

     I incorporate as many of those supefoods as possible. I normally make sure that I have my spinach, zucchini, sweet potatoes, broccoli, strawberries, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges, pineapples, blueberries, watermelon, honey dew melon, and cantaloupe. I still tweak and add new things. I am not a big caring of taste, I shoot for benefit. But there are plenty of mixes that taste Amazing. I lost my weight with a juicing diet, mainly because I didn't want anything harmful or fatty. You absorb liquids way more efficiently than foods. You do lose your fiber content so I add fiber to my drinks. I also add my liquid supplements(better absorbed) to the mix. I haven't had a cold since last year. That's a great result of Vitamin C that comes with my vegetables from juicing. I recover quicker from workouts, and just normal daily wear and tear.

    If you don't plan to change your diet. Add to it by juicing. It will distinctively change your life! It's great for you and the kids. My great aunt only juices and she is extremely healthy.

    Note: Juice enough for consumption. Letting juice sit can develop harmful bacteria.

    I try to buy from local farmers as much as possible. Going to the grocer is my second choice.

    Juicers can get very expensive, I say start low and grow from there. Here is one below that meets the same specs as mine. Works wonderfully.

    Here is very good must have guide for juicing. Experience the difference in your daily life. Here is a must have guide for beginning juicers. It will provide you with reference to juicing. If you require taste and certain types of benefits.

    Burning Fat 
    What is Fat? 
    The more technical term for body fat is adipose tissue, with individual cells being called adipocytes.

    What does fat do exactly?
    The main role is as an energy storage dump.

    Here are some more numbers to give you a little better perspective. The average American male who may weigh 160 lbs with 15% body fat has 24 pounds of body fat which is about 84,000 calories of stored energy or so. He’ll have a metabolic rate close to 2,400 calories/day. Even with complete starvation, that’d get him through nearly 35 days without any food, assuming he was using 100% fat.

    Extremely obese individuals may have upwards of 50-100 lbs of stored fat to the tune of 175,000-350,000 calories of stored energy. That’ll keep them alive for several months at least without emptying their fat stores. Some very obese individuals have been fasted for up to a year without problems

    Exercise is a very important key to daily caloric burning.

    Activities Calories Burned Per Hour
    Running, 8 mph - 986 calories

    Rollerblading - 913 calories

    Jumping Rope - 730 calories

    Tae Kwon Do - 730 calories

    Stair Climbing - 657 calories

    Swimming (crawl, moderate intensity) - 618 calories

    Skiing, Cross Country - 600 calories

    Aerobic Dance - 588 calories

    Jogging, 5 mph -584 calories

    Playing in a Basketball Game - 584 calories

    Sleep and Relaxation

    According to

    Benefits of sleeping will definitely contribute to healing and weight loss. Here are a few other benefits:

    •Slowing your heart rate and breathing rate

    •Lowering blood pressure

    •Increasing blood flow to major muscles

    •Reducing muscle tension and chronic pain

    •Boosting confidence to handle problems

    •Improving concentration

    To Help with relaxation, and Burn Calories, and rehab your muscles:

    •Therapeutic massage

    Thank you for visiting!
    Visit my Store!

    Wednesday, September 12, 2012

    ReviewMe for Bloggers

    Hello! Here is a great way to get paid and talk about what you love! Check out review me! Sign up and get started making money. Topics ranging from health to technology to entertainment. Click here:

    Friday, October 16, 2009

    A Me

    At birth, does our life become a bull’s eye?
    Are we poised and prepped to live were hypocrites and fools lie?

    If this is a dress rehearsal, why cant we
    Get right and stay right, standing up like a propped tree?

    When backs are against the wall
    Two choices; either we stand or fall

    I still believe love conquers all things
    But my circumstances stalls those things

    I mean it’s me, only
    Ill never be a fake or phony

    Will you please give me the EASY button?
    I’ll probably just abuse it, being a glutton

    But, shit, who wouldn’t
    I’d press it for the good of those would couldn’t

    Guns would kill only for the intention to eat
    Drugs would be consumed only to enhance the streets

    Marijuana would do…., shit, weed don’t harm!
    Livers would be stronger so that liquor could only charm

    Dope dealers would incorporate and raise capitol
    Dope Boy Inc would knock of Microsoft, shares would be radical

    But we all know Easy buttons do not exist
    A figment of the imagination, now the BAD button, we can never resist

    Real talk,
    White chalk,

    Outlines real life with its bitter taste
    Deteriorating lifestyles creating only waste

    Waste is the by product of the maker (us)
    Pouring blood and tears into a shaker

    The ice is the stumbling blocks
    The cup is where we flock

    My hard knock button hurts more than me
    Maybe it’s more cause I do affect society

    By pulling back my talents and hiding my gifts
    For the greater good and to uplift.

    So I guess the bad button is more of an “outie” than and “innie”
    Meaning your insides determine what you do on the outside, feel me?

    Thinking negatively is a catalyst for what we do
    Whether good or bad; something has to come through

    Nature has a course best served on time
    Not before nor after, reinforcing the straight line

    Lines of life that’s so easy to alter
    Like making a new form of steel make with baby powder

    Hour glasses and sun dials aren’t equipped with the rewind option
    Unlike TVs, our views never have closed caption

    Our days and years don’t end in credits
    There’s no casting team to do the edits

    Or maybe there kind of is
    Because there are beings in the persuasion biz

    On the one side we have a “Darth Vader”, creating a new star wars
    On the other side, their casting the new reality show, “the next top pastor”

    Alls I knows is,
    Everyone’s not cut out for show biz

    But showing up is a requirement
    And when it’s all over, no one is every ready for that retirement

    For now to later on, you should know what to do
    Turn off the TV (me) and show everyone you can make a grey sky turn blue

    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    Hey people! Its Fall! Im here working on my blog, trying to tweek it. Any advice id appreciate!